Hear This: “You are the product of who called you”.

Beloved, there is need for you to know who really called you & what you are called to do & become.

To a child of God, the question “who called you”, will quickly receive the response or answer “God”.

Therefore, let’s start by examining what your caller (God) expects from you:

~ 1st Peter 1:15-16 gives us the first answer by saying: “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy.

Your caller, God wants you to be Born again & thereafter live a holy life. He knows that holiness is attainable, if not, He wouldn’t have said “be ye holy as I am holy”.

Note, your call to holiness is not made possible by self but by the cleansing power in the blood of Jesus.

Hear This: “When God sees Jesus in you, He sees holiness in you”.

To further buttress the above point, 1st Peter 2:9 says: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Your caller, God called you to come out of darkness…

Hear This: “To continue to live in sin (an unholy life) is to continue to live in darkness”.

Beloved, don’t forget that you are the product of your caller, God.

I tell you the truth, those who are called by the devil are not ashamed to behave like the devil. They believe it is possible to live like their caller (the devil) as seen in John 10:10 that says: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…

Who called you ?

To be continued.

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Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Hear This:” Distraction from God is the beginning of Deception”.

Beware, whatever distracts you from doing the right thing, will deceive you to doing the wrong thing.

The world is full of deceivers. Refuse to fall into their hands.

Who or what are these Deceivers:

(1) Those who discourage you from serving God.

(2) Those who say you can still serve God & serve mammon

(3) Those who say you can make money by any means (even though it’s ungodly)

(4) Whatever makes you more worldly than godly

(5) False Prophets, who prophesy & their livestyle is questionable.

(6) Whatever contradicts God’s (biblical) injunctions

(7) Online fraud, scammers etc

However, the deceivers should note that whatever they sow, they will surely reap.

Beloved, don’t be deceived & never join the group of deceivers.

Start sowing righteousness, mercy, goodness, joy & the gospel of love.

Always Remember This: “The devil is a deceiver. To continue to follow him is for you to automatically become a deceiver”.

Please surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

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• And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
(Genesis 2:18)

~ The moment you are married, you are no longer alone. Your spouse is there for you & most importantly, God is there for you.

• Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
(Proverbs 18:22)

• Dear husband, the wife you found is a good thing. And because two have become one, both the husband & wife are good to go).

Therefore, if truly you are led by God into that relationship or marriage, don’t ever regret it.

Hear These:

~ Don’t get married because your mates are married. Marry because you are ready for it.

~ When two arrogant people (man & woman) get married, they are exposed to the arrows of arrogantemente (be humble)

~ What you put into your marriage is what you get out of it.
No be devil cause am.

~ To overcome marital misunderstanding, remove the mis & you will be left with understanding.
Every matter can be resolved.

~ Out of every misunderstanding in marriage, there is understanding.
Understand your spouse.

~ To enjoy your marriage, love your spouse. To endure (manage) your marriage, hate your spouse.

~ Don’t hide your marital challenges from the originator of marriage (mention them to Him in prayers).

~ Hide your marital challenges from 3rd party intruders or scatterers.

~ If need be & as led, seek wise & godly counsel from God fearing Spiritual leaders on that marital matter.

~ Your marriage become workable when you (both) agree to make it work.

~ Above all, making Christ the solid rock or foundation of your marriage is for your marriage to be immovable…

Always Remember This: “To fail in the first institution established by God (marriage) is the beginning of failure in life & Destiny”.

May you not fail in life.
May you marry God’s perfect will.
May your marriage not scatter.
May that marital matter be Divinely settled.

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Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
( Jeremiah 1:5)

God has a special purpose for your life, just as Jeremiah’s…

Jeremiah never knew it until it was revealed to him by God.

May God reveal your special purpose of existence to you.

I tell you the truth, you are not yet fully fulfilled in life until you discover & fulfill your God ordained purpose.

Hear This: “A closer work with God is the beginning of receiving revelation of God’s ordination for your life”.

Beloved, stop majoring on the minor.

A man who majors on the minor is a man who is doing contrary to what God had ordained for his life.

Hear This: “To continue to major on the minor is to continue to feel unsatisfied & unfulfilled in life”.

To get direction into your Divine ordination in life:

~ Allow Jesus into your life.

~ Seek His face for direction.

~ Pay attention to His leading.

~ Do what He’s prompting you to do now.

There & then you will find joy, peace, satisfaction & fulfilment.

I pray that your eyes of Destiny Discovery be opened & grace to fulfill it be released…

Always Remember This: “To discover & accept Jesus into your life is to discover & inherit eternal life”.

Surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

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Now and after now, you will either be remembered for good or bad (evil).

It is either you are remembered for the problem you solved or the one you caused.

Hear what God says: “I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever.
(Psalms 45:17)

From the bible passage above, God says: “I will make your name to be remembered…”

What will your name be remembered for?

Hear This: “Your name can only be remembered for good in all generations when you do good”.

Stop evil, do good.

But then, your good is not good enough until it is good in the sight of God.

Hear This: “Your good is good in the sight of God when God sights Jesus in you”.

Also, in the aforementioned bible passage, God says: “… therefore shall the people praise thee for ever & ever”.

What are the people praising you for?

It is an irony to be praised for doing evil.

Hear This: “Whoever praises you for doing evil is evil”.

As much as people are praising you for doing good, always remember to return the praise to God for making you good in His sight.

Hear This: “Until God praises you, the praise of men is a mere flattery”.

Beloved Pastors, Parents, Leaders & People of God, start living the kind of life you want to be remembered & praised for.

Always Remember This: “To be remembered & praised that you made Heaven is better than going to Hell”.

Surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

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I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
( Proverbs 8:17)

God (Christ the Wisdom of God) says, you we continually be loved by Him if you love Him. This means that, if you love God, you don’t need to look or go too far before you find Him.

In fact, our lover, God says: I Love Them… Meaning, His love is extended to all (everyone).

That is why John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

It is made crystal clear in the aforementioned bible passage that God loves the world. He loves us irrespective of our religious background, race, nation, tribe or gender.

He (God) further demonstrated this love by giving us Jesus. He gave us Jesus so that we might be in love with Him forever.

Be wise enough to embrace His love.

Hear This: “To embrace the love of God now is to be in love with Him forever”.

Your lover, God is right there with you. Don’t disconnect this relationship of love with God by being disobedient…

Total obedience to God is a poof that you truly love Him.

Hear This: “To miss the love of God is never to miss the hatred of the devil that eventually lands it’s victim in hell.

Please surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

Always Remember This: Jesus is saying; I love them, follow me to heaven. The devil is saying; I hate them, follow me to hell”.

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Live your life with the consciousness of the fact that you are like a book.

A Book is meant to be read…

We also learn some lessons from the book(s) we read.

Many people find it difficult to read books today but don’t find it difficult to read you (the latest book).

Do you know that people are reading you (Your lifestyle & character) ?

Because God knows that we are being read like a book, He says in His word 1 Timothy 4:12 – Message Bible: “And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.”

What are people reading about you?

~ Is it making their lives & Destinies better or marring their Destinies?

~ Is it leading them to draw closer to God or the devil ?

~ Is it leading them to Heaven or Hell ?

Hear This: “Until we read Christ in you, you are not truly Born Again”.

That is why the bible says in 2 Cor 5:17; “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

Are people reading (seeing) new things (ways of life) in you?

Think about it & surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

Always Remember This: ” “What we read about you today will become your biography tomorrow”.



I’m glad to announce to you that you are not inferior.

~ Stop thinking inferior.
~ Stop feeling inferior.
~ Stop talking inferior.
~ Stop living inferior.
~ Stop looking inferior.


The Bible says: …for I am fearfully and wonderfully made : marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
(Psalms 139:14)

Do you know right well that you are created in the image of God? “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
( Genesis 1:27 ).

The image of God is a Superior image & not an inferior one.

See who you are:

~ You are Wonderful because you are wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)

~ You are Beautiful(very good, lovely, handsome) because after creation, God said that everything He had made was very good (Beautiful) Genesis 1: 31

~ You are Intelligent because God gave you (the first man, Adam) the opportunity to name every living creature (Genesis 2:19)

~ You are Useful because God has chosen you to fulfill His purpose on earth (John 15:16)

~ You are loaded with Blessings because God pronounced it on you in the beginning (Genesis 1:28)

~ You are an Ambassador because you are representing Christ here on earth (2Cor 5:20)

~ You are more than Conquerors (more than the devil, witches & wizards, situations of life etc) Romans 8:37.

~ You are created to Fear God because you are fearfully made & that is your primary & ultimate duty on earth (to fear God & keep His commandments) Psalms 139:14 & Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Beloved, the list of your originality & superiority is inexhaustible.

Let nobody intimidate you, you are a Child of God.

Hear This: “Failure to discover your originality & superiority in Christ is tantamount to living an inferior life”.

Interestingly, to reveal how superior & important you are to God, He (God) in Jesus is coming back for you one day sometime. (John 14:1-3)

But alas! It is a taboo for the superior to go to an inferior eternal destination, hell.

Please surrender your life to Jesus today if you haven’t done so.

Always Remember This: “The image of God is not permitted to go to hell but to make heaven at last”.

We shall make it !

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I’m glad to announce to you that you are not inferior.

~ Stop thinking inferior.
~ Stop feeling inferior.
~ Stop talking inferior.
~ Stop living inferior.
~ Stop looking inferior.


The Bible says: …for I am fearfully and wonderfully made : marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
(Psalms 139:14)

Do you know right well that you are created in the image of God? “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
( Genesis 1:27 ).

The image of God is a Superior image & not an inferior one.

See who you are:

~ You are Wonderful because you are wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)

~ You are Beautiful(very good, lovely, handsome) because after creation, God said that everything He had made was very good (Beautiful) Genesis 1: 31

~ You are Intelligent because God gave you (the first man, Adam) the opportunity to name every living creature (Genesis 2:19)

~ You are Useful because God has chosen you to fulfill His purpose on earth (John 15:16)

~ You are loaded with Blessings because God pronounced it on you in the beginning (Genesis 1:28)

~ You are an Ambassador because you are representing Christ here on earth (2Cor 5:20)

~ You are more than Conquerors (more than the devil, witches & wizards, situations of life etc) Romans 8:37.

~ You are created to Fear God because you are fearfully made & that is your primary & ultimate duty on earth (to fear God & keep His commandments) Psalms 139:14 & Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Beloved, the list of your originality & superiority is inexhaustible.

Let nobody intimidate you, you are a Child of God.

Hear This: “Failure to discover your originality & superiority in Christ is tantamount to living an inferior life”.

Interestingly, to reveal how superior & important you are to God, He (God) in Jesus is coming back for you one day sometime. (John 14:1-3)

But alas! It is a taboo for the superior to go to an inferior eternal destination, hell.

Please surrender your life to Jesus today if you haven’t done so.

Always Remember This: “The image of God is not permitted to go to hell but to make heaven at last”.

We shall make it !

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Habakkuk 3:17 – 18 says:
Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, [though] the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls.
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!

Beloved, the summary of the above bible passage is centered on the fact that, Habakkuk the Prophet mentioned in his prayer that he will still rejoice in the Lord even though things are not producing the expected results.

Why? He believed that in the midst of rejoicing in the Lord, the Lord will be moved to attend to his cry (desire).

The most dangerous thing to do when faced with storms or challenges of life is to be sad in the Lord(full of sorrow).

Why is it Dangerous?

~ It is dangerous because, where you see sadness or sorrow, you see the devil & his agents.

~ Where you see sadness or sorrow, you empower the devil to carry out his threefold assignment: steal, kill & destroy.

~ Where you see sadness or sorrow, suicide is inevitable.

~ Where you see sadness or sorrow life’s visions, dreams aspirations & great destinies become dim, obscure & unattainable”.

Beloved, don’t just rejoice in results, rejoice in the Lord.

Hear This: “To continue to rejoice in result (as expected) alone is to soon stop rejoicing when the expected result is not forth coming”.

No wonder the bible says: “Rejoice evermore.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:16)

Rejoice evermore is a command given to us and is actually God’s will for us in every situation.

I pray that you will continue to have your expected results in life.

However, rejoice irrespective of what comes your way.


~ The Presence of God in you does not give room for sorrow. The bible says: In His presence there is fullness of joy.

~ To create an atmosphere of Joy is to soon see God’s intervention in your situation.

~ To rejoice in and unpalatable situation is to provoke God to arise on your behalf.

~ To rejoice even when you are not getting the expected result at the moment is a proof of the fact that you are seeing beyond your present situation.

Hear This: “To keep rejoicing is to keep living a life that confuses the devil”.

Therefore, Beloved: “Rejoice in the Lord always [delight, gladden yourselves in Him]; again I say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4)

Always Remember This: “It is the Joy of the Lord that is our strength. Not to know the Lord Jesus is not to know the joy of the Lord…”

Surrender your life to Jesus if you haven’t done so.

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